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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:33:07
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eke out的解释


1. obtain with difficulty

e.g. He eked out some information from the archives

Synonym: squeeze out

2. make by laborious and precarious means

e.g. He eked out a living as a painter

Synonym: squeeze out

3. supplement what is thought to be deficient

e.g. He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons
Braque eked out his collages with charcoal

Synonym: fill out

4. live from day to day, as with some hardship

e.g. He eked out his years in great poverty

1. 使…的供应持久;节约使用
If you eke out something, you make your supply of it last as long as possible.

eke out

e.g. Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks.

1. 弥补不足:ekahafnium 元素104 | eke out 弥补不足 | eke 补充

2. eke out的近义词

2. 使能持久,竭力维持:eke vt.增加;放长 | eke out 使能持久,竭力维持 | elastic a.弹性的,有伸缩性的 n.橡皮圈

3. 竭尽维持生计:come up with (针对问题 挑战)提出 | eke out 竭尽维持生计 | subsistence level 勉强糊口的生活水平

4. 竭力维持(生计等):1206ejectv. 逐放,放逐,驱逐 | 1207eke out竭力维持(生计等) | 1209elapsev. 逝去,过去

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They are a team that always seemed to eke out victory when the going got tough.(看起来他们总是一个能在困难中艰难取胜的团队。)
He asked about the present condition and I tried to eke out the little knowledge I had collected.(他问起目前情况,我把我所收集的一些材料尽量告诉了他。)
Families eke out a living by growing what food they can and by fishing.(人们能在地上种点什么,就种点什么,加上打渔,勉强能维持生活。)
But he harbors doubts about stocks' ability to eke out gains past 2010.(但他对股市在2010年后继续维持上涨的能力持怀疑态度。)
Still, she'd rather EKE OUT a living doing what she likes than living comfortably from a job that's unrewarding.(但是,她宁愿做自己喜欢的工作,勉强度日,也不愿做一份没有精神回报的工作,只为能舒服地生活。)
She managed to eke out her student loan till the end of the year.(她想方设法节约用钱使学生贷款维持到了年底。)
The novel ends with a broken Xiangzi picking up cigarette-ends to eke out a miserable living.(小说末尾,落魄的祥子靠着捡烟头来艰苦维持着悲惨的生活。)
Students here are happy to say they still 10)eke out time for hobbies and community service.(在这里读书的学生会很乐意说他们还能够挤出时间满足自己的爱好和为社区服务。)
Mr. Loshipa and his family eke out living herding cows in what is essentially a desert.(Loshipa先生和他的家庭在一片本来是沙漠的地方靠放牛努力维持生计。)
Overall drug sales eke out 3% growth annually-not too impressive in an ageing country.(总体而言,药品销售额年均增长3%,这一数字就老龄化国家而家并不显眼。)
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